Question Tuesday|Where Do You Blog




by source
by source

This week’s Question Tuesday is about you. I would like to hear where you is your happy little place to blog.

Q: Where do you blog? Do you have your favorite spot to write your blog? Tell us your work space and how you create inspiration? Ready, then let’s roll!

A. I have a portable laptop table where I can work on my bed or sitting on my back-joy posture chair. Just like an artist, I work only when inspiration hits [hehehe!]

or is this you.



Thanks for taking the time to read and hope to see you on the next one!

Sharon xoxo



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Hey Sharonoox

Hi Everyone, I'm Sharon! I'm obsessed with makeup and addicted to shopping. I love testing and reviewing beauty products and decided to translate my passion into writing blog posts to be shared with you guys. Enjoy reading! xoxo

15 thoughts on “Question Tuesday|Where Do You Blog”

  1. Haha, I’m very much like that tote bag. I have a few coffices (cafe shops with good wifi,) then an actual office in my home, and a laptop that lets me blog in bed or in front of the TV. I’m just kidding myself about getting anything done when I bring the laptop to the TV with me. 😉

    I’ve never heard of a backjoy posture chair, they look awesome! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Wow! Now I’m jealous! Hahaha!Wish I could as mobile. I tried to multitasking, watching TV and blogging at the same time and yeah, you’re right … it’s hard to get anything done. The backjoy posture chair was a gift. Supposed to help keep my back posture straight. 😛


  2. I also love reading about where people getting their blogging done at. For me it’s usually just my laptop and me on the couch or I’ll move over to the desk I have set up in my living room when I work from home.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You can check backjoy on their website for more info. I got mine as a gift and I’ve using it ever since. I’ve never tried writing on my phone but that’s so cool idea, Allison. Thanks for stopping by and comment xo


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