Wednesday Epic Beauty Snag| JOE FRESH

Joe Fresh beauty

Every once in a while–though I’m hardly in need of more makeup!—I’ll pick up another little pot or two or a lot too many from Joe Fresh to add to my collection.

Yep, I buy this makeup all by myself, which is a big deal as a beauty blogger. I’m pretty sure many of you can relate on. Anyways, now I want to tell you about the latest great steal which I picked up for this week’s Beauty Madness Wednesday which I’ve change the topic to be “Wednesday Epic Beauty Snag” that is getting much love from me ❤


What you’re looking at are three Single Eyeshadows from clockwise is Pebble, Apricot and Charcoal. Each retailed for $4.00 but I got this on liquidation price for $1.94 (basically 50% off). So yay for that! This is Joe Fresh’s range of powder eyeshadow that works for any look.

charcoal eyeshadow

The texture is smooth and it blends nicely. Eeks, shimmer! But don’t worry. On the outer corner, it looks more like a flat colour, and goes on very pretty. If your skin is paler than mine, you’d obviously apply way less than I did above for the swatch, but for darker tones, it is buildable to more intensity. I’m showing only the Charcoal color swatch but I’ll be back to do all the color swatches in my next post when I do a full review.


Another eyeshadow pot I picked up is this Eyeshadow Quad in Limelight. Retailed for $10.00 and I paid $2.44 for this lovely palette. I love the lime green shadow and also the price is a super bargain. So, it’s a 75% discount for this eyeshadow. Yipee!


There are 4 pans in this gorgeous round hard compact packaging. There are two mattes and two shimmery finishing which I’m very excited to try them out for fall though. Lately, I seem to be gravitating to green, olive, dark brown and purple shades. Could it be because of the coming change of season! Oh well, there’s so many pretty colors out there to love, and Fall is best time to try out new shades and new makeup collections.


Lastly, I picked another Eyeshadow Duo in the shade Faded Violet and Iris. Remember I did a full review on it two weeks ago. I’ll put a link here if you like to hop over to read. I got to grab this one for obvious reason, I love the texture and the pigmentation and these purplish colors are perfect to create a smokey eyes look.


Secondly, it was only for $1.74 and I couldn’t pass on this deal. So yay for great deals! Hahaha! I love the great products and the great steal. Love it and last Wednesday, I got a coupon to spend $12.00 on makeup and get $3.00 off. How neat is that, right!

Anyways, that’s it for this week’s Wednesday Epic Beauty Snag. I hope you’ll find this post interesting and helpful. If you’re in Canada, don’t forget to check out Joe Fresh makeup aisle. My US friends, if you have friends visiting Canada, do ask them to grab a few things for you. The price is a real steal and the products are worth it.

Are you a fan of Joe Fresh? Have you tried any of the new shades? What’s your favourite single eyeshadow?

Thank you so much for taking the time to read. Until next week, stay beautiful!

Sharon xoxo

You can join me on facebook, twitter, instagram and bloglovin’ ❤

Mac Eyeshadow Swatch & Review


mac hepcat eyeshadow

Hepcat Eyeshadow by Mac is a raspberry pink with a fuchsia-purple sheen. It’s not too red and not too bluish purple. Not too dark, not too light and is a unique color that you won’t find in a drugstore. It has a nice pretty frosty finish.


I’ve this Mac Eyeshadow a long while ago and totally forgotten about it until recently while unpacking more boxes in my basement. Unfortunately, this shade has been discontinued but I wanted to give this eyeshadow its credit and share this gorgeous shade with all of you.


On me, it’s not too bright, but still is pigmented. The color swatch is on bare hand without primer whatsoever. The texture is soft with a slight of shimmery color and frosty finish. Beautiful shade which is not too loud!


It goes on very smoothly and really makes my eyes pop. Hepcat shadow has a soft texture and it blends easily.


My favorite way to apply this is just all over my lid with no other colors. It really brightens up my eyes and is a simple way to make them pop. It’s still a fun, edgy color that I feel safe wearing out. The last thing I want is to look like I’ve been in a major fight! LOL!  Anyways, if you couldn’t pull this color out then blending it between color would be great! I want to put this out that this shade may not be everyone’s cup of tea.


I created another look by blending darker colors up to lighter ones. It’s a raspberry pink shimmery color that looks amazing on brown eyes!


I apply the eyes concealer by Mac and pat it over and under my dark circles. Then I use the Joe Fresh Single Eyeshadow in Petrol (Blue) on the outer corner and gently blend them on my socket eye but not above the crease. Then I continue by applying Mac Hepcat shade on my lid. Continue blending until no sharp edges. I then use the shade Honeywell as the highlighter under my brow bone and lastly the L’oreal Infallible Eyeshadow in Time Resist White on the center lid to make my eyes pop. Love it!

This was one of the first MAC eyeshadow I purchased purely because of its gorgeous colour in the pan. I love it that I totally forgotten to even use it and once I have it on, little did I know it would become my most favourite MAC single eyeshadows 🙂 I’ll definitely be picking up more of Mac eyeshadows.

Which is your favorite Mac single eyeshadow color?

Thank you for stopping by.

Sharon xoxo


You can follow me on facebook, twitter, instagram and bloglovin’ ❤



Hot Singles Eyeshadow|Swatch|Review


nyx eyeshadow

Okay, I’m impressed with this Matte Yellow eyeshadow by NYX which I pick up recently at Target. Net wt: 0.053 oz. It’s in the hot singles category with a gazillion shades to choose from, lol. I’m serious, I haven’t seen a single pot having so many awesome matte color shades. It’s totally mind blowing with their neutral pick to intense shade … that’s just insane amount of color range. Cherry on top of the cake, NYX product is cruelty free.

You may wonder, why do I choose yellow, right? Well, probably because I’m seeing more daylight and yellow makes me happy. Yellow is such a cheerful color and brighten up my day and mood as well. Or maybe, spring is calling which reminds me of the beautiful tulip flowers.

But this matte eyeshadow is very intense and NYX aren’t joking when they said that. Good pigment with nice color payoff however they aren’t as creamy as their regular matte eyeshadow singles. Which is a shame, in my opinion! I think it would have played out incredibly only if it has more buttery or creamy formula in it. Otherwise, it’s does blend well and the color of this yellow is strikingly matte.

yellow eyeshadow winged eyeshadow look
I did two eye makeup versions using this Matte Yellow in STFU with Annabelle Kohl eyeliner in Rhone and Covergirl Lash Blast Volume in Very Black. Eyebrows I’m using Prestige Brow Perfection in Medium/Deep.

Overall, I’m happy with my NYX purchase and will be wearing it this spring. So, there you have it my review and eye makeup look for now. Until next time, stay beautiful and keep on smiling!

What do you think of this product? Would you pick them up? What do you think of my yellow eye makeup look? Love to hear your comment, please ❤

Thanks for reading.

Sharon xoxo