Belvada Harmony Lipsticks – Photo & Color Swatches

lipstick harmony

This is a blogpost that was mentioned previously in my post. I just got the time today to share it with all of you.

Here we see two different lip colors by Belvada in Natural Earth and Elegant Maroon that is mostly warm and the other shade has some sort of pretty red undertones.

lipstick by Belvada

I snagged these refills for $2.99 each instead of the original price of $10.00. I’m excited and thrilled with this great steal.


The product has some sweet scents on both lipsticks but not overwhelming. It glides beautifully and I love my lip appearance. Yes, they’re lovely!

The staying power is good. It lasted for 3-4 hours for me. Again, I would point out that its fall and the weather is getting drier. This product lasts the drier weather simply because of the moisturizing formula.


The net wt is 3.4g. This lipstick is true to its color and I really like the smooth and amazing pigmentation.


The mini lipstick comes with a frosty plastic lid. This though is a good, convenient way to see the shades when it comes to deciding the colors.


My lips wearing Natural Earth. A lovely nude shade for everyday wear. Love Love it! The size is cute and easy to bring in your purse if you need to touch-up. Other than that, it’s super light and so convenient. Just to point this out, this lipstick is the size of my thumb.


The Elegant Maroon really caught my eye when I was picking up the shades. It’s the perfect lip color for fall and the holidays. For more intense bold lips, I could use a darker lip liner to fill my lips to be more popped or look like Kylie Jenner‘s lips for holiday looks.


Here is the color swatch of the Elegant Maroon. Amazingly gorgeous shade and pigmentation.


A closed up look of the packaging which you can use it alone or put into the Duo Lipstick Holder that could fill two lipsticks when travelling.

elegant maroon lipstick

They have a better pay off and are easy to work with. The formula is moisturizing and comfortable on the lips. I have tried four different shades to date and they are pretty impressive.

harmony by belvada

Personally, I am enjoying these lip products. I was so glad that I got these on special discounted price for I would have not spent $10.00 for a mini refill lip products.

Hope you found this continuation post to be interesting and useful. Until next time Stay BEAUTIFUL!

What’s the highlight of your day? It could be anything and not necessary beauty related. I love to read your comments. My greatest inspiration comes from the wonderful comments sent in by you, my beauty friends.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read.

Sharon xoxo

Wednesday Drugstore Epic Beauty Snag|Color Tattoo Cream Eyeshadow

color tattoo cream shadow

A worthy impulse buy for those who don’t wish to pay an arm and a leg for MAC’s Paint Pots. I grab this Maybelline Color Tattoo 24hr Cream Gel Shadow in Fierce & Tangy (net wt: 0.14 oz) from the local drugstore.  Regular price at Uniprix drugstore is $8.99 but I got this one for $2.99 on special. Special products promo varies from store to stores.


It glides, blends, stays and leaves as you wish to manipulate it. No chalkiness, no unpleasant smells. Delicious looking shade that screams for fall season. I’ve other shades from this line but this shade just calling to me. So, I caved in (giggling!).

maybelline color tattoo

Here are some of the positive note I noticed. They don’t look greasy on my eyelids, they’re easy to apply and they stay put all day. As for the 24 hours claims by the Eyestudio, I didn’t go wearing it for 24 hours to confirm that but 9 hours is good enough for me.


It goes on quite nicely and can blend with other eyeshadows nicely. This product doesn’t run out very fast so you do get your moneys worth out of it. Very high pigmented goes on smoothly.

24 hrs color tattoo

Although I find that it’s a little thick, it’s not heavy. They are great by themselves and great layered too.

maybelline color tattoo

You can use your fingers to apply it on your lids or as an eye base. I noticed using fingers to pat works best when I work on it. It is bright, there’s no denying it, and the brightness is welcomed especially for fall season – more of a sunset silhouette in my opinion.


Look at this pumpkin or tangerine color swatch of Fierce & Tangy. Don’t you love this shade for fall? Don’t get me wrong, I love other shades too but this one is phenomenal to wear on lids this time of the year. Available in 10 vibrant shades at Ulta, Maybelline, Drugstores, Walmart etc.

I’m very tempted to show this EOTD to all of you for I know you’re going to like it! Oh well! Here it is:

eyestudio cream eyeshadow

First, I applied the cream shadow on the eyelid to the crease using my finger to pat them on.  Then I used my favorite Baked and Beautiful Eyeshadow by Bh Cosmetics. I like wearing the Brown on the crease and Dark Brown on the outer corner and I applied a Black liquid eyeliner by Elf on the lashline. You can stop here or put on your mascara and fake lashes and you’re good to go.


I didn’t use an eye base because this cream shadow is creamy and any eyeshadows would stick on and blend well. An easy to wear eye makeup look which leaves you sometime extra time to have a cup of hot moka.

final EOTD

Don’t forget to remover your eyeshadows before going to bed. That’s one of the makeup rules. So, the bonus of this cream shadow is that they come off really easily with whatever you use as makeup remover. No dragging or harsh rubbing necessary.

Below is another EOTD look for a beautiful fall morning you may like to try.

Color Tattoo in Fierce and Tangy with Hard Candy Lost & Found Purple eyeshadows EOTD
Color Tattoo in Fierce and Tangy with Hard Candy Lost & Found Purple eyeshadows EOTD

I recommend you to get on the Love Boat for this one. I love ’em for the quality and good value for money. And so affordable, too!! My total star product – I love love love it and will repurchase as long as Maybelline has this on the shelves.

Which shades of Color Tattoo have you collected? If not, which color are you likely to pick up next? Make sure to leave your comments down below.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read.

Sharon xoxo

You can join me on facebook, twitter, instagram and bloglovin’

Wednesday Epic Beauty Snag| JOE FRESH

Joe Fresh beauty

Every once in a while–though I’m hardly in need of more makeup!—I’ll pick up another little pot or two or a lot too many from Joe Fresh to add to my collection.

Yep, I buy this makeup all by myself, which is a big deal as a beauty blogger. I’m pretty sure many of you can relate on. Anyways, now I want to tell you about the latest great steal which I picked up for this week’s Beauty Madness Wednesday which I’ve change the topic to be “Wednesday Epic Beauty Snag” that is getting much love from me ❤


What you’re looking at are three Single Eyeshadows from clockwise is Pebble, Apricot and Charcoal. Each retailed for $4.00 but I got this on liquidation price for $1.94 (basically 50% off). So yay for that! This is Joe Fresh’s range of powder eyeshadow that works for any look.

charcoal eyeshadow

The texture is smooth and it blends nicely. Eeks, shimmer! But don’t worry. On the outer corner, it looks more like a flat colour, and goes on very pretty. If your skin is paler than mine, you’d obviously apply way less than I did above for the swatch, but for darker tones, it is buildable to more intensity. I’m showing only the Charcoal color swatch but I’ll be back to do all the color swatches in my next post when I do a full review.


Another eyeshadow pot I picked up is this Eyeshadow Quad in Limelight. Retailed for $10.00 and I paid $2.44 for this lovely palette. I love the lime green shadow and also the price is a super bargain. So, it’s a 75% discount for this eyeshadow. Yipee!


There are 4 pans in this gorgeous round hard compact packaging. There are two mattes and two shimmery finishing which I’m very excited to try them out for fall though. Lately, I seem to be gravitating to green, olive, dark brown and purple shades. Could it be because of the coming change of season! Oh well, there’s so many pretty colors out there to love, and Fall is best time to try out new shades and new makeup collections.


Lastly, I picked another Eyeshadow Duo in the shade Faded Violet and Iris. Remember I did a full review on it two weeks ago. I’ll put a link here if you like to hop over to read. I got to grab this one for obvious reason, I love the texture and the pigmentation and these purplish colors are perfect to create a smokey eyes look.


Secondly, it was only for $1.74 and I couldn’t pass on this deal. So yay for great deals! Hahaha! I love the great products and the great steal. Love it and last Wednesday, I got a coupon to spend $12.00 on makeup and get $3.00 off. How neat is that, right!

Anyways, that’s it for this week’s Wednesday Epic Beauty Snag. I hope you’ll find this post interesting and helpful. If you’re in Canada, don’t forget to check out Joe Fresh makeup aisle. My US friends, if you have friends visiting Canada, do ask them to grab a few things for you. The price is a real steal and the products are worth it.

Are you a fan of Joe Fresh? Have you tried any of the new shades? What’s your favourite single eyeshadow?

Thank you so much for taking the time to read. Until next week, stay beautiful!

Sharon xoxo

You can join me on facebook, twitter, instagram and bloglovin’ ❤

Finish 5 By Fall Challenge

by source
by source

Happy Monday Gorgeous! It was raining yesterday and I have nothing much to do just like Sally and Nick in the book by Dr Seuss on The Cat In The Hat and so I sat in front of my notebook and start with this challenge tag by my fellow Canadian Blogger, Angela from Raincouver Beauty as part of the CBB link up.


So, what does this challenge entail? Well, first of all, I have to challenge myself to see if I can finish five products that I have choosen down below by the start of fall (ie. September 23, 2015).


Frankly speaking, I’m a little nervous to do this challenge tag but also excited at the same time. Believe me, this seems to be the only way to motivate me to use up the products in my stash, so that I can make room for more new ones, whahaha! 

Let’s read out the rules of this challenge in Angela’s Tag Guidelines: 

1. Pick 5 items (extras are okay) that you want to try to use up
2. You have until the first day of fall- September 23, 2015 to make as much progress as you can
3. Make an update post about halfway through (optional) and a final reveal on September 23!
4. I’ll be using #cbbfinish5 to track my progress, and I’d love for you to use the same!
5. Good luck and have fun! Hope you’ll rediscover favorites or just clean out some space in your collection 😉


Here are the 5 products which I attempt to finish or empty by this fall 😛

1. New Silky Touch Blush by Essence. I remembered having this blush from the very beginning but it never seems to finish!

2. BB Cream Multi-Action by Annabelle in travel size. It’s summer and BB cream is my go to face product to use therefore it’ll be done before fall. You guys know that I have many BB cream in several brands I have and love to try on but first thing first will be this Annabelle BB cream 🙂

3. Show Time Volumizing Mascara by NYC. I like wearing mascara but I’m honestly I’m not the biggest fan of it. So, you seldom see my review on mascara since it takes longer for me to finish them up. I’m very particular when it comes to choosing a mascara since I have sensitive eyes which gets irritate easily. I still have 1/4 left on this mascara and the sooner I finish this the better since I’m putting high expectation on the new Covergirl mascara.

4. Revlon Ultra HD Lipstick in Magnolia. I really like this nude shade in Magnolia and I’m looking forward to be wearing it a lot and finish it before fall comes.

5. Hard Candy Plumping Serum Volumizing Lip Gloss . I’m half way there with a puff lips! LOL

I’ll be reporting back once the time is up to share what I have accomplished to finish or emptied by then. This is a fun challenge tag to do and if you are looking for a reason to get more rooms for new makeup, then I encourage you to participate and do this challenge. Remember, Finish 5 by Fall!

I hope you find this post interesting and that you’ll take up this challenge 🙂 Everyone can join!

Thank you so much for stopping by.

Sharon xoxo

You can follow me on facebook, twitter, instagram and bloglovin’. See you all there <3!

Encouraging Thunder Award


awards logo

As I was feeling down recovering from my illness and spending my late afternoon reading some blogger posts. I came across this awesome blog by Raymond of Axel The Key. This is a blog award for bloggers. I was not nominated for this Thunder Award but I felt inspired by Raymond. If you haven’t visited Raymond, please give him a visit. I just wanted to share this award nomination to the bloggers who truly deserve this amazing award for you took out from your precious time to read, to reblog and leave comments in my blog and that really encourages me a lot and I wanted to give back.

Here comes the nomination for bloggers who are considered to be active bloggers, read my posts, reblog my posts, leaving lots of comments and likes to my posts. They are truly amazing people and good friends who give so much support and besides I also visited their blog and having good interaction with these awesome people. The award could be rewarded many times and who knows what might happen if someone receives the same award many times! I am very thankful for these kind bloggers and therefore I grant all of them a special award Encouraging Thunder as a symbol of protection from nature in random order 🙂


Curly Spring Blossom

Hello Kaily

Stash Matters

Best Day Blogger 





A Beautiful Whim 

Blueridge Beauty

In the Beauty Box 



What you can do with Encouraging Thunder award?

  • Post it on your blog
  • Grant other bloggers with the award

What you can’t do with Encouraging Thunder award?

  • Abuse or misuse the logo
  • Claim that it’s your own handmade logo

What you should do after receiving Encouraging Thunder award:

  • Enjoy the award
  • At least gives thanks via comments and likes and or mentioning the blog who give the award.
  • Mention your purpose in blogging

Give them all love by visiting their blogs and show some appreciations 🙂 This is only Part 1 of my Encouraging Award and Part II will be up soon for those names are not in this post. Keep commenting and liking to be featured in upcoming awards. I think you can nominate me too if you ran out of names to nominate, hehehe! 

Thank you all for taking your time to read and this Encouraging Thunder awards is now in your hands.

Sharon xoxo

Follow me on facebook, twitter, instagram and bloglovin’ ❤



Attention Please! I’m On BlogLovin’

bloglovin' logo

Hey Gorgeous!

Have you noticed that I recently joined Bloglovin’! If not, let me share with you my Bloglovin’ blog. Starting now, you can access my blog via BLOGLOVIN’ as well. I put a follow button on the right-side bottom bar of my blog, and here’s the link to my Bloglovin’:

Follow me on bloglovin’ and I will sure to reciprocate by following you back if you’re already on Bloglovin’. I love to read your blogs and your comments.

I hope to see you guys at Bloglovin’ and at periscope real soon ( Periscoping still under construction).

Until next time, head over to my bloglovin’ and follow ❤

Thank you guys for reading!

Sharon xoxo

It’s Wednesday|Makeup Talk With Beauty Junkies


its wednesday makeup talk


Welcome gorgeous to It’s Wednesday and you got it! This week starts our makeup talk where all beauty junkies and friends share their point of view and interests in discussing topics about everything and anything about beauty.

I encourage that each and everyone to respect our friend blogger’s opinion and have a moderate discussions in order to make this makeup talk fun and interesting. Remember that everyone is to their own opinion 🙂

To kick off this week’s topic, let’s start with an easy question of “High End vs High Street makeup?” Which brand is your favorite and why? If you have any question about makeup products, feel free to put it up for fellow bloggers to answer.

So, let’s get this topic going and check out again next week on “It’s Wednesday, makeup talk with beauty junkies” if you miss this week’s It’s Wednesday’s makeup talk check back again. We will be having another a new topic to discuss.

It’s going to be a fabulous experience to join a beauty blogger community where we share the same passion and obsession with makeup ❤

Thanks you so much.

Sharon xoxo











Very Inspiring Blogger Award



Happy Sunday friends! Okay, lately, I have been receiving many nominations for different awards and trying to squeeze my schedules to do nomination blogs.

So, this time’s award which I got nominated was called the Very Inspiring Blogger Award. I wanted to express my thanks to these two lovely bloggers Clare and Suzy both from Blossomtoflourish for this awesome nomination. And by the way, make sure to check out these lovely ladies blog. They’re all good reads.

The rules:

1. Thank the person who nominated you and add their link to your blog
2. List the award rules so your nominees will know what to do.
3. State 7 things about yourself.
4. Nominate 15 other bloggers.
5. Contact your nominees and provide a link to your post.
6. Display the award logo (button) on your blog, whether on your sidebar or about page, or special award page.

7 Facts You Don’t Know About Me!

1) I moved from city life to a more outskirt area for a quiet and tranquil life. The fresh clean air suppose to help me with my health condition.

2) My favorite drink beside my coffee addiction is bubble tea flavored with Matcha Green Tea (Made in Japan) with red beans. matcha tea *

3) I have a collection book of my favorite authors Pearl S Buck and Lucy Montgomery (Green Gables). It took me about 2 days to finish reading a good book.

4) I enjoy watching Peppa Pig on youtube with my younger son. It’s a funny children cartoon that still makes me lol 😀

5) I love to collect and pick beauty products or snacks or cute fridge magnets or rare stuff from all the places I’ve visited.

6) I’m a claustrophobia. I’m scared to death going through MRI testing 😦

mri scan *

7) I love to travel and so far I’ve been to Bali, Thailand, Singapore, Japan, Vancouver, US and Taiwan. My dream is to get to different country once a year. My immediate travel list is Korea, London, Germany and Australia. airplane *

I’m not going to nominate 15 people which I think is breaking the rules “sorry” about that, but I’m excited to honor another blogger for this award. I’m nominating my friend Ingrid of curlyspringblossom. She writes interesting post about beauty and has a lovely personality 🙂

If you are reading this and haven’t been nominated, then I nominate you and you and you! I’d love to read your answers to “7 Facts You Don’t Know About Me” and just link to my post if you are doing it.

Thank you for taking the time to read and commenting on my post. You’re all an inspiration to me to write my blogs!

Sharon xoxo



*images above are not mine

NYC Long Wearing Nail Enamel


Hey guys!

It’s nail polishing day for me and I just wanted to share some of my nail polish I got several weeks ago but just haven’t got the chance to put them on. Today, seems like a perfect day to do my nails 🙂


The NYC Long Wearing Nail Enamel in 144 Wine Bar and Plaza Plumbery in 139 (net wt: 0.45 fl oz) 

I have a few nail polish brands which I really love wearing. I love the OPI, Sally Hansen and Revlon. I haven’t tried Essie yet but that’ll in my wishlist. The Sally Hansen nail polish I wore usually stays for about a week and I’m happy with it.

So, I’m today I’m sharing and doing a review on these NYC long wearing nail polish. The color I’m wearing is of darker shade which I don’t usually wear them except for special function tonight. I painted my nail in the morning with Plaza Plumberry.

nyc nail enamel color plumberry OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA

I applied the first coating and I find that the formula was a little watery and very thin. So, a few layers are the only option if wearing this brand. It takes about 2-4 minutes for all the polish to dry before I can apply the second coat. Usually, I did my nail polish without top coat. So, I apply the second coat and then continue to do my routine and but mid-day, I saw some chippings and I have to take them off and try the next color, the Wine Bar.


Well, it’s a low range price nail enamel that also claims to be long wearing. Well, I have tried it and honestly, I don’t think this NYC nail enamel works on me. The finishing look is not smooth up closed. I put them on in mid-day after the Plaza Plumberry decided to chip on me. I had the same experience with Wine Bar and that’s the last straw I had with NYC nail enamel. I’m disappointed with the quality.

Although, I do like the colors of both but obviously not the formula which I find them to be watery, long waiting time to re-apply. Anyways, this is just my opinion and I just wanted to share them with you. It might work well on you but definitely not on me.

NYC has a nice fun selection of colors but unfortunately this nail enamel just didn’t work on me. I wished that they would come out with a better formula like much better consistency than a loose running formula and keep the colors coming.

Will I repurchased? The answer is NO.

Have you tried any nail polish that doesn’t meet your expectations? Leave comment below. I love to hear from you.

Thanks for stopping by.

Till next time … stay beautiful 🙂

Sharon xoxo



Too Faced Chocolate Bar – Warm Wintery Makeup!

Hey lovelies!

What an inspiring color of the year 2015 of Marsala and in my previous post I mentioned on recreating a new eye makeup look inspired by this neutral color of red-wine? I’m thrilled to do this new look and I put in some of the steps below in case you feel inspired too!

For this eye makeup look, I used the Too Faced Chocolate bar eyeshadow palette which I purchased online. I did my review in my earlier posting.

too faced eyeshadow chocolate bar tools for marsala

Let me introduce you to this pretty Too Faced Chocolate Bar eyeshadow palette. It’s made with 100% natural cocoa.

too faced chocolate bar

I prepped my eyes with Lorac mini behind the screen primer and then started with Strawberry bon bon on the lids.

cherry cordial color cherry cordial

Then I applied with the Cherry Cordial on crease of my eyes. I creased it until I got the shade that I like.

creme brule closed up eyelook

The Creme Brule I put it on top of my Strawberry Bon Bon darker the color shades of both shadows.

chocolate eyeshadow step 4

Next, I used Amaretto to blend on the crease and lower lash line like so.

marzipan setp 3

Lastly, I finished it up with by going ahead to applying the Marzipan on the center of my eye lids to make eyes pop.

marsala red wine eyeshadow

Finish eye makeup look of my nude marsala color pantone of year 2015.

added candid violet

I added another eyelook with a touch of Candid Violet to reflect back the color pantone of year 2014. Violet orchid has been with us for the past one year and it has been tremendous joy to be able for me to play with so many beautiful fun colors of the violet shades.

As the new year is here and Marsala is on the list, I’m celebrating it with a pang of joy!

For those of you who are celebrating Christmas, I wish you a blessed Christmas and Happy Holidays to many with many cheers!

Thank you for taking the time to read 🙂

Sharon xoxo


Kind To Skin ~ Smile, It’s Simple!!!

Hey friends!

I picked this Simple Hydrating Light Moisturizer while I was out shopping for makeup brush. I ended up getting both. Well, I have my usual Lancome moisturizer for day and No 7 for night time. But since I always like try out some different products, I opt to get this one just to share how it turns out for me.

simple hydrating moisturizer simple light moisturizer sensitive skin simple texture simple

I tried it for a week now and so far so good. I love the light moisture in this formula. It’s great for my dry skin. I applied them on my face and neck and the rest on my hands. It’s light and easy. So, no sweat of it getting sticky or oily. It says in the box that skin can stays moisturized for 12 hours. I’m a little bit skeptical when it claims that. Anyways, I tried them but it doesn’t seems to keep my skin hydrated as claimed.

For a low prices like this product, I think it is a good buy for those who has sensitive and/or dry skin.

Simple says that this product has :-

  • No artificial perfume or colour  
  • No unnecessary ingredients so it won’t upset your skin
  • Dermatologically Tested and Approved

I have average experience with this product and it works averagely for me. It’s cooling when applied on skin. It feels refreshing and light scents. The downside is that it doesn’t contain SPF for ultra-light protection and it’s too light for me. I would personally prefer a regular moisturizer than this light hydrating product. But if you are looking for something which is not so heavy on skin than this Simple is for you.

So, there you have it. A brief review of my 2 cents opinion.

Have you tried any Simple skincare before? If yes, which one works best for you?

As usual, thanks for reading.

Sharon xoxo



Ipsy Glam Bag ~ Beauty Candy (October )

Let’s take a look at what’s inside!

Yes!!! I received my first Ipsy Glam Bag today. Hurray!!! October’s bag is about Beauty Candy.

ipsy glam bag october

I’m happy that it arrives but not so on the products which I got in my glam bag. They’re more on skincare than makeup products. Anyways, since I just got them today, I’ll just be going to give all of them a thorough try and will share my thoughts on my next post. I just drop everything and starting blogging this first, in case some of you are still waiting or wanting to know what’s in my ipsy’s October bag. Well, here are the makeup which I got :-

ipsy glam bag

5 pieces of the makeup from Ipsy Glam Bag.

starlook ligloss

Starlooks Lip Gloss

Starlooks Lip Glosses are created with a truly moisturizing, luxury, non-sticky formula. This neutral-rose, yet glamorous shade provides the perfect glisten for any lip look and complements any skin tone! Can be worn alone or in combination with other Starlooks lip products for a truly customize finish. I got mine in the shade of Guilty Pleasure (net wt:0.03oz).

SKone tatooed eyeliner

Next in the bag is SKone Tattooed waterproof eyeliner.

Tattooed Eyeliner is the perfect liquid liner to line your top lid, or create a sexy cat eye. No need to reapply – it lasts ALL day! (Net wt: 0.07 oz)

INdie Lee cleanser

Indie Lee Brightening Cleanser in 15ml. Well, the smell of this cleanser is not very appealing. It has a very strange smell of strawberry fruit but with other ingredients, it make the whole cleanser not so fun to smell on. As unpleasant as it sounds I’ll give it a try and will leave my review after I have tried all the others in my next post.

figs and rouge hand cream

Figs and Rouge hand cream in Rose Berry. It says on the website that these delectable creams soften, nourish & thoroughly pamper hands throughout the day, quickly absorbing to provide super-soft skin. The weight is 0.67 oz.

albetini warm love

Lastly the Albertini’s Warm Love Pumpkin Exfoliating Mask that says to removes old skin cells and stimulates new cell growth. I can’t wait to try this one.

Is there any product above which you like me to make a review firsts?

I hope to get a better bag for November though!

Has anyone of you received different ipsy glam bag for October month? Please share and leave comment below.

Thanks for stopping by.

Sharon xoxo